Tuesday, September 14, 2010

July 1 , 2010 - Videos


Blowing bubbles - the dipping of the wand is the most fun.. :)

Blowing bubbles - he is so proud when he actually gets a bubble..

July 1, 2010 - Canada Day

So this Canada Day we didn't head downtown and brave the crowds but we did have fun.. The morning Campbell and Mommy went into Osgoode with Grace and Heather to see what was going on there. They had some animals which Campbell loved..

Met up with Brad the balloon guy and he made Campbell a turtle which he loved.. one of the words he can say very clearly at this point. :)

We got home and had a nap then played on the back deck pushing his trucks around making the engine noise for a long while. :)
See the next post for a couple of videos of that afternoon.. then we went to Lisa and Doug's for a birthday bbq.. Doug's Birthday is Canada Day just like Aunt Nat.. :)

Sunday June 27, 2010 - New Bubble Maker and Sun Glasses

Campbell has so much fun just playing out on the back deck.. we bought a bubble blower for $5 and it is amazing.. it really pumps out the bubbles.. and Campbell loves them.. it saves Mommy and Daddy from being light headed from blowing bubbles.. Below is Campbell the cool dude in his new sunglasses..
CHEESE!!! This is the latest "Cheese" Face.. :) Playing with the water table has brought hours and hours of fun this summer. :)

June 18th to 20th - Visit Bracebridge..

Jason already posted a few pics early.. here are a couple more of my favourites..
We had a nice visit with the family in Bracebridge.. Friday night we went out on Poppa's boat with Joanne and had a wonderful time.. I will post a pic of that when I get one from J's computer.. Saturday evening was fun bbq with the family.. Campbell had lots of fun with Tegan and has had a real change of heart and loves Karin.. as you can see by these pics..

Campbell had a good nap on Daddy.. woke up happy with some crazy hair.. :)
Really liked watching the cows.. :)