Friday, March 29, 2013

Sunday March 10, 2013 - First Time Out on the New Balance Bikes

The boys both got balance bikes for their birthdays (yes I realize technically Miles hasn't had his birthday yet. But he doesn't realize that and we had to get them outside having fun today). The balance bikes don't have any pedals, they are used to learn balance.. they push with their feet and then lift them up to learn how to balance..  They both did extremely well and had lots of fun trying out the balance bikes.

Sunday March 10, 2013 - Miles Figured out the Eliptical Ride

Miles figured out the Eliptical was a fun ride.. Note the background noises are Campbell and J playing.. I was getting ready and Miles figured this out on his own without us noticing until I heard the loud WEE!  He spent quite a while going back and forth.

Saturday March 9, 2013 - The Boys Singing ABCs

Here is a video of the boys singing the ABCs together.. the end has Miles character shining through.

Friday March 8, 2013 - Video of the Boys Playing

Here is a silly video of the boys playing together.. I love this stuff..

Thursday March 7, 2013 - St. Patrick's Day Party at Ita's

Happy St. Patrick's Day... Ita had the party at daycare today because next week is March break and she is closed. Here are the boys all set for the party.. TOO CUTE!!

Monday March 4, 2013 - Last day of Gymnastics

Today was the last gymnastics class so I took some new pictures..
Here is Campbell and Miles in warm up with the parachute.. The little girl sitting in between them is Sydney. She is totally taken with Campbell, as you will see by the pictures. She likes to be next to Campbell and when she went on vacation she said goodbye to Campbell and that she would miss him.. TOTALLY TOO CUTE!!

Miles on the bar.. he is hilarious.. he grunts and everything.. :) 

Here is Campbell going through a circuit with his class, and of course Sydney is right behind him. ;)

Campbell and Sydney listening for the next instructions from their Coach..

Miles doing his present, graduating from this class.

Saturday March 2, 2013 - Campbell's Fun Day at Ski Lessons

Here are a few pictures of Campbell skiing.. Today was the fun day for the ski lessons. Both Campbell and J enjoyed doing the ski lessons. They were extremely wel organized and the instructor, Kate, was amazing. She put in a lot of extra effort to make it fun for the kids. It was awesome to see both of them enjoying spending time together and learning this. Campbell did extremely well with the skiing and is really excited to do the lessons again next year.
This is the position for going down hills. Campbell shows me this stuff when he gets home..

Campbell skiing..

Friday March 1, 2013 - Campbell's First Chess Game

Campbell found J's chess board upstairs in the loft the other day and asked J to teach him.. Tonight they sat down and J taught Campbell and played with him. It was unreal to see Campbell learn all the rules and some what get the idea of the game. He actually won.. It was wild, J said hard to know why he chose to move certain ways but he did extremely well. Crazy..

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Monday February 25, 2013 - First REAL Haircut for Miles

It was definitely time for this.. Look back at the last few posts.. the hats were making his hair flat and making him look like an old man that needed a hair cut.. It still looked super cute after a bath when it was curly and clean.
Before picture...

First cuts..

Almost done...Looking cute, little buddy..

Look at this adorable big boy...

My two gorgeous clean cut boys enjoying their lollipops because they were so GOOD!!

Sunday February 24, 2013 - Afternoon 67s Hockey Game

Here are a few pictures from the 67s game at Scotia Bank Place. We had really good seats right behind the penalty box. The boys loved it.. and it was neat to do something different..
Campbell and Daddy watching the game.

Miles and Daddy having fun during the game.

My boys having fun at the game. Aren't they the cutest.. :)

Sunday February 17, 2013 - Funatorium Explorium

Funatorium Explorium was AMAZING!! It was an event for kids and parents to play together held every year at the CE Center here on Family day weekend.. It was amazing.. so many fun things for the kids and us to do.. We all had so much fun..
Here is Campbell on the Tippy Ladder.. He figured out how to balance on it and then made it all the way across.. there were a few falls at the beginning.. Some that I think were on purpose as it was blown up and I think it was fun to fall. :)

Daddy, Campbell and Miles having a snack and watching a puppet show.

We all had a blast on the plasma cars. I couldn't believe how Miles just got on and went.. amazing.. You sit on and put your feet up and turn the wheel back and forth to make the plasma car go. It was wild to use and see the kids use.. AMAZING and so much FUN!!

 Here's Campbell at one point in the blow up obstacle course. He loved this, went thru it at least 5 times and would have probably done it all day.

Miles with a snake around his neck.. Campbell decided he didn't want to but Miles was all for it. Not me, no thank you.

Miles having fun with a balloon hat that Brad gave him.

Campbell was in love with the massive pile of lego blocks.. (they said that they had 220, 000 lego blocks).. It was amazing to see.. and Campbell sat for a while of course just building..
We had so much fun and would have stayed longer but Miles fell asleep on J's shoulder and needed to get home for his nap.. But a GREAT time had by all and a MUST for next year's family day.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 - Campbell's First Visit to the Dentist

Finally figured out a time to take Campbell for his first dentist appointment.. According to the lady at the dentist office they don't push at this age, they just play it by ear. Some kids it is just a ride in the chair, some will let them count their teeth, etc. So we went..
Here is Campbell in the big dentist chair with the spongebob sun glasses to protect his eyes from the light.. And he was AMAZING.. He let the lady do everything.. she counted.. she cleaned.. the dentist came in and checked him out too.. He was so GOOD.. I was totally proud and so was he.. His words, it just tickled a bit.. :)

Miles sat in a tiny chair next to the big chair and had some snacks.. :)

Saturday February 2, 2013 - Campbell's First Pet

So Campbell would of course love a dog and has been pretty vocal about that, but at this time things are really too busy for us to get a dog. So a compromise was made and Campbell was told that he could have a fish when he got really good at not having accidents and was a good big boy for a while. Thru Christmas he definitely did a great job proving that he was a good big boy and thru January definitely proved that he was a big boy.. 
Today we went to get the fish at Pet Smart.. Here is Campbell with his Beta fish, Hobs.. He was so proud to bring him home.. It isn't a dog but it didn't seem to matter at all today.. So great to see him so happy.. :)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sunday February 3, 2013 - Family Sleigh Ride

A friend of ours has invited us a few times to come to this farm and have breakfast and go for a sleigh ride.. This is the first year that we made it.. and we all had a great time.. 

Here we are on the horse drawn sleigh, bundled up from the cold but having fun.. 

Daddy had a good hold of Miles, to keep warm and to make sure he didn't fall of the side.. :)

Campbell and I having fun on the sleigh ride..

Campbell and Daddy joking around on the sleigh ride..

They have a lot of beautiful horses that we went really close to.. They see deer a lot of years but the man said that this particular year they haven't been around much. That was too bad.

Miles, I guess, is still at the age where motion can put him to sleep.. I don't know how he did it because just as he is falling asleep is when I was getting cold and was ready for the ride to be over.. Luckily it was close to the end of the ride.. but how he could sleep.. who knows..

Campbell enjoying the ride.. Yes his cheek is all scratched up from falling and skidding his cheek on the icy snow in Ita's backyard. poor guy..

Sunday January 13, 2013 - Campbell's 4th Birthday Party

Campbell's 4th Birthday Party.. We just had a bunch of his friends over to play at our house, had pizza and cake.. They all seemed to have a ball.. Our playroom looked like every toy had been played with, which is awesome to see.. 
Here are the kids waiting for the cake.. 

Campbell making a wish.. Batman cake and Spiderman cupcakes were requested by the birthday boy this year and I think that they both turned out quite well.

Campbell checking out the icing on the spiderman cupcake before eating it.. And yes the Batman shirt was a must and the Batman Birthday Hero badge from Nannie was a huge hit.

Miles of course enjoyed himself at the party too.. :)

Monday January 7th, 2013 - Miles first haircut

Ok.. So I broke down and got Miles a first haircut.. which really I only had the heart to give him a trim..  It just seemed like it was bugging him so much and he had enough that he was whining about, I thought that the hair was something I could do something about.. Here are a couple of the pics.


After.. Cleaned up enough to hopefully stop the whining.. :)

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Friday January 4th, 2013 - Happy 4th Birthday to our Big Boy, Campbell!!

Campbell started his day with a BIG hug from his little brother.. He was so excited for his day and turning 4.. It took a lot of explaining to describe to him why he was turning 4 and he wasn't going to school right away and to describe to him that today was his birthday but we were having his birthday party with his friends next weekend.. I can't believe that he is 4 already.. where did the time go.. WOW!

He, of course, got to choose where he wanted to go for his birthday.. and once again he chose Ray's Reptiles Zoo.. He loves it and Miles really enjoyed it too.. It was a great day.. they were really well behaved and had a blast.. It was an enjoyable day for everyone and Campbell had a GREAT time on his Birthday..
This is the video of Campbell having his cupcakes as a 4 year old.. He looks very serious in this but you can see that he is trying really hard to keep the big smile off his face.. he is so funny..

Thank you to all for the lovely gifts.. he was so thrilled with everything that he received..