Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sunday May 5, 2013 - Busy But Fun Day..

Having some watermelon on the step next to our beautiful purple and white pansies.. Waiting for our friend to come and play.. a gorgeous day.. 

Sprinkler fun with our friend Chloe..

Then an afternoon birthday party for Ewan..

The kids enjoying Ewan's new birthday gifts..

Saturday May 4, 2013 - Grand Opening for Pancreatic Cancer Canada Office

It was the Grand Opening for the Pancreatic Cancer Canada Office in Ottawa and it was a huge success and an unbelievably nice day.. 
The boys and Daddy outside enjoying a drink and a cookie..

Cutting the Ribbon..

Signing the ribbon..

Miles playing behind the boardroom door..

Sunday April 28, 2013 - Campbell Loves Sprinklers Now Video

It finally was a warm day and we put the sprinkler out to water some new grass seed we had put out.. But Campbell decided he would like to run thru.. I thought why not.. and was lazy and didn't get his trunks or anything.. Needless to say that he was soaked in the end.. Miles is still not too keen on sprinklers but neither was Campbell at his age.. he will probably grow out of it too. 

Sunday April 28 2013 - Miles riding his balance bike Video

Here is Miles really riding his balance bike on the road.. Campbell has been doing this for a while.. took Miles a little longer to catch on to the balance idea but it is amazing that he has it now.. I think..

Monday April 22, 2013 - Campbell being comfortable???

Campbell tells me that this is a comfortable way to watch a movie.. I have my doubts but he looks pretty happy..

Monday April 8, 2013 - Getting Good With the Balance Bikes Video

Video of the boys having a huge amount of fun with their new balance bikes.. they have been a huge hit.. they each got one for their birthdays.. and as soon as the weather was nice enough that the road was clear of snow, they were out trying them out and having fun.. 
Our front lawn having a bit of a hill is as you can see a lot of fun..