Sunday, May 4, 2014

April 20, 2014 - Easter Sunday

Easter bunny this year played a game with the boys. He gave them each a few things in a basket outside their bedroom doors. One of the things was an empty Lego kit and a note telling each of them that the pieces to their set were hidden in plastic eggs in the playroom with a specific type of sticker on it. One of the stickers was on the note. They had a blast finding their 7 eggs and then they got to put together their set which made 3 different things. 
Miles finding eggs. 

Campbell finding eggs. 

The boys with their Lego kits. 

Campbell the Lego maniac. Before the day was over he had made all three vehicles that you could with his kit and a few of his own creations. 

Opening some gifts from Newfoundland. Oma brought Easter goodies from Bracebridge when she came to visit the end of March too. So there is no shortage of chocolate treats in our house. 

Campbell with his superhero from Nannie. 
Miles with his dude from Nannie. 

The Easter bunny also brought the boys a my first garden kit each. Campbell's kit is tomatoes and Mile's is popcorn. They had a ball wetting it and then planting the seeds. And they did grow. I think the boys are better with plants than the parents.