Tuesday, November 27, 2012

September 13 and 14, 2012 - Visit from Some Great Friends

Newfoundland friends, now living in Calgary, came for a visit. What a great time.. Visiting with such good friends is always fun.. but even more so when they have a little girl that is the same age as Miles.. It was so neat and nice to see them all play together.
Went out for a walk.. we had GREAT weather for their visit too. 

Campbell really took to Elizabeth.. Too cute to see.. 

Miles giving Elizabeth a hug.. How cute is this.. 

Having a freezie to cool down.. :) Summer fun..

Michelle and her beautiful girl Elizabeth.. she is just too sweet.. So great to have them come visit.. Come back soon, Michelle and Elizabeth.. wish you lived closer..

Saturday September 1, 2012 - Campout in the backyard

Campbell's First Campout in a tent with Daddy.. They spent the morning setting up their camp and Campbell had so much fun. J put together a camping pack for Campbell, with binoculars, compass, flashlight, etc. He was so proud of his pack he carried it everywhere with him. 
Here is the camp... They did a great job setting it up. 

Cooking spider hotdogs on the fire for supper.

Jiffypop on the fire for dessert along with marshmallows of course..

Campbell checking something out with his binoculars..

Miles couldn't be left out and had a turn with the binoculars.

After having so much fun camping out and Campbell asked every night for about a week, "Can we sleep in the tent tonight?"