Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sunday April 18th, 2010 - Nice day for exploring..
Started with an attempt at walking to the mailbox to get the mail (only a few houses away). As you can see in the pics Campbell's face (right cheek) met the asphalt just in front of our house, when he stopped to dance because he was so happy to be outside (it had been rainy for a few days). We quickly scooped him up and went inside to clean him up and calm him down. But he is a trooper and really wanted to be outside, so shortly after we were on our way to the mailbox again and the rest of the day was spent outside exploring EVERYTHING around the house!! Here are a few pics and there will be a couple of videos in the next post.

Campbell decided that the appropriate response to the hedge was to GROWL at it. It was too cute. There will be a video in the next post.
Smelling the Cedar hedge..

1 comment:

  1. Did he eat the cedar hedge? Tegan always enjoyed a nice snack of cedar...still does!
