Saturday, May 29, 2010

May 23, 2010 - The Water Table

Friday night I put together the water table that Nanny and Grampie gave Campbell for his birthday and left it in the kitchen next to the patio door. When he came down that morning he was thrilled with his new toy and had lots of fun playing with it (without any water). After breakfast I was going to put it on the back deck and fill it with water, planning to leave it to warm up while we went grocery shopping. Well when Campbell saw me dump the first thing of water into the table, he had wide eyes and just started to giggle. I realized then that there was going to be no waiting to play with the water table and probably no grocery shopping either. It was too much fun watching him walking around it, giggling almost too excited to know what to touch or try next. Unfortunately I didn't think ahead and missed a lot of the early on action but here is a clip from later that morning, (note he is still in his pj shirt).

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