Friday, June 11, 2010

May 29, 2010 - First Fair (Gloucester Fair)

Of course they had all sorts of rides and games at the fair, so we walked all the way around the loop and looked at everything. Kept Campbell in the stroller and just checked it all out. Then picked a couple of rides.
First ride was the carousel (Merry - go - round) with Mommy, he looks a bit afraid here but he really wasn't. He was saying woooo the whole time. :)

Then he went on another ride with Daddy, seemed to like it.He was a big boy and walked around holding Mommy or Daddy's hand. There was a lot to look at, but he was very good.

Then we noticed a different section off to one side and decided to check it out.. looked like there were some pony rides. He was just beside himself when he saw the ponies. :)
Next to the ponies there was a section that was fenced in and had a bunch of different animals (goats, sheep, lamas, baby cow, chickens, etc). There were things that you could buy food to feed them thru the railings. Campbell was just beside himself excited about all the animals.. There is a video in the next post and here are some pics.

Then there was a small hay maze that we checked out, ran around in that and hid and peeked and had a blast.

First Fair was a HUGE success.. he had a blast and so did we. He was a great boy and can't wait to bring him to another one. :)

1 comment:

  1. Tegan still talks bout the Fall Fair we went to a couple of years ago - she loved it.

    Though she is still afraid of carousels. She won't ride the up and down horses.
