Monday, October 4, 2010

Saturday July 10, 2010 - Swimming at Laura and Danylo's

Laura and Danylo invited us over for a swim last minute and what a blast Campbell had in the pool, and with his friend Danylo. :) We enjoyed it too, it was a scorcher. A lot of fun had at the pool. Thanks to Laura, Yehvin and Danylo for having us.

Campbell spent a lot of his time jumping in from the side.. :) See the video in the next post.
Campbell showing Daddy some love for all the catching. :)
Catch me if you can Mommy..
Laura and Danylo, friends from one street over..

Campbell and Danylo, friends from birth pretty much..

Pool noodles and rocks are still pretty fun too.
The boys having a snack after swimming in the same chair.. TOO CUTE!!

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