Sunday, November 7, 2010

August 14th, 2010 - APPLES!!

APPLES, APPLES and more APPLES.. We finally decided that it was time to have a gang over and pick the apples, instead of having them all fall on the ground and have to throw them out in the compost. Lisa, Doug, Leah, Hannah, and Sam came over today and we all had a blast picking apples, eating apples and then having pizza and apple crisp.
Here is Campbell helping Mommy prep the topping for the apple crisp before everyone came.
Campbell started eating the apples as soon as we were outside. :)Action shot of Hannah getting a low lying one. :)
Sam was great little man for watching and hanging out.
Leah showing us her apple. Campbell looking on.The picking or I should say catching got easy when J got out his glove, and the stick he made worked great for getting the higher ups.. I think that the guys had a lot of fun with this. ;)

Here is the bulk of what we got off this day.. but there were still more on the tree and like I said earlier every week there was about this many or more that fell and had to be thrown out. :( Next year we will know to have more than one of these apple picking parties.. :)
The whole gang (minus Lisa and Me) ready to head inside for some pizza, and to make the apple crisp.

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