Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sunday January 9, 2011 - Campbell's 2nd Birthday Party

This year for Campbell's 2nd birthday we had his party on Sunday January 9, 2011 from 10 to 1 and invited all his friends. We had about 11 kids and 17 parents, pizza and cake. It went really well, the kids played then had pizza and cake and everyone seemed to have a great time. We decided not to open gifts at the party because it might be too many hard sharing lessons and a lot of tears.. so we left that until everyone or was gone. But thanks to everyone for the beautiful clothes and toys. Campbell loved everything.

Here are Grace, (dad) Shawn, Danylo, (mom) Laura, Oscar, and (mom) Jenn, having their pizza.
Here are the girls having their pizza as a picnic in the living room (Lily, Leah, Mia, Hannah and Lisa).

Doug and Sam having pizza.. well Doug is.
Max, Trinda and Josh having pizza in the family room.

And then... CAKE.. Everyone was excited about the Elmo cake and cupcakes.. the cupcakes especially went fast.. I will have to remember that for next year.. cupcakes a HUGE hit.. Campbell blew out the candle with one try.. good boy..
Ita asking Campbell if he is liking his cake.. which of course he loved.
Then there was storytime with J. Too cute.. this lasted a long time. :) Hannah, Campbell, Lily and Oscar kind of just played around.

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