Sunday, September 25, 2011

August 23rd - 25th, 2011 - Last of Newfoundland Visit Pics

August 23rd, 2011 - Visit to Aunt Nat's House
Campbell chillin' on Aunt Nat's back deck..
Miles chillin' on Aunt Nat's back deck..

Campbell, Miles, me and Sunny on Nat's back deck.
Nat and Sunny in Nat's backyard.

August 25th, 2011 - Lester's farm visit number two.. We went the first week with Daddy but the camera batteries were dead..
It is awesome though.. you can feed the animals.. all sorts of animals.. Campbell just loved it, both visits..
Campbell feeding the cows..
Campbell looking at and feeding the pigs..
Campbell riding in one of the tractor/cars that they have there for kids. He had lots of fun turning the wheel like mad while I was pushing him.. I almost fell over more than once, but he enjoyed it. :)
Miles hanging out at Lester's farm.. not that exciting for him.. but such is life right now for him.Campbell up on the tractor tires.. (with my help)
Campbell climbing the tower of tires, by himself..
Campbell at the top of the tower of tires.

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