Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Saturday September 24th, 2011 - Supper at Ita's

Campbell's daycare provider, Ita, and her family were kind enough to have us over for dinner and what a nice night it was. They are such a great family that they are truly a part of our family now and it is super nice to have some time to hang out with them socially.
Here is Ita's youngest, Ruairi, and our youngest, Miles, chillin'.
Here is Ita with Miles.
Our oldest, Campbell and Ita's oldest, Jake, hanging out.
Here are our neighbours' kids with ours. Danylo is 2 months younger than Campbell and Kaliyana is 2 months younger than Miles. Too cute.. the gang together on the couch.

Miles and Kaliyana holding hands on their own.. :)

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