Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tuesday December 13th, 2011 - Visiting Santa

When asked if he wanted to meet Santa and get his picture taken with him, Campbell said yes and genuinely seemed excited about it.. So Tuesday the 13th we decided to head to Bayshore mall to meet and get a picture with Santa. (I realized that once we got there he may not want to and that was fine as I had something I needed to pick up there anyway) Lucky for us there was only one family in line when we got there and we didn't have to wait long.. when we got to the front of the line Campbell got shy and quiet (as he does) but did go over and talked to him.. he told him that he wanted a teddy bear, a candy cane for him and Daddy and Mommy and a baby toy for Miles.. All good but when a picture was mentioned he quietly shook his head.. He seemed to like him and had no issues talking with him and even said that he was happy that he came to see him and that he wanted to buy Santa a gift.. once I talked him down from his more expensive suggestion to a candy cane for a gift for Santa and we proceeded to Zellers to buy a candy cane for Santa.. After lining up again to give Santa his gift, Campbell still didn't want to get a picture with him.. but I took this picture of him giving Santa the candy cane.. What a sweet boy we have.. Santa gave both Campbell and Miles a snow globe each even though he didn't have a picture taken..

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