Saturday, March 3, 2012

Wednesday February 1, 2012 - Campbell's first time ice skating

Ita's youngest son and Campbell's best friend, Ruairi, offered and wanted to take Campbell skating during the few days he had off after his exams were done. Seeing how we had hand me down skates (thanks Aunt Heidi) and a hand me down helmet from Irv at J's work, we thought it would be great fun for him to try.
He did have a lot of fun.. Here is Campbell and Ruairi after skating for a bit.. there was a fair amount of falling..
They tried using a traffic cone for support, to help Ruairi save his back.. it worked ok but not the best..
Another lady there with her son had a skate coach and offered it to us to try as they were getting changed to go home. It was a GREAT help.. See video in next post of how good he did using the skate coach and you will know why I bought one.

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