Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Saturday December 22nd to Thursday December 27th, 2012 - Newfoundland Christmas..

 Campbell met his buddy and hit it off right away.. Dexter, Nannie's new dog.

Miles on Christmas Eve, having fun..

The cousins all in their new jammies from Nannie.. The excitement was running high..

The boys playing with the trains and mat from Aunt Nat.. Nice to see them playing well together.

Miles on Christmas Day in his new sweater from Nannie.. Too Cute..

Miles and Aunt Nat playing.. lots of giggles.. :)

Campbell and Daddy being silly on Christmas Day..

Campbell chilling with his favourite buddy, Dexter..

Miles and Daddy checking out the Christmas tree at Aunt Heidi's.. 

The boys in their new hats from Aunt Heidi at the Ottawa airport waiting for the luggage.. Too Cute..
Lots of fun had in Newfoundland for Christmas and the boys were once again great little travellers..

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