Thursday, April 11, 2013

Sunday March 17, 2013 - Miles' 2nd Birthday Party

Miles wanted of course a "Monkey cake" for his birthday party and leading up to the big day if you asked him anything about his birthday, all he would say is "Monkey cake."
Here he is with his MONKEY CAKE! He loved it..

His birthday party was a big hit. Only had three families at it but it was nice and all the kids had fun playing.
Here is his face while everyone was singing Happy Birthday to him and I was bringing out the Monkey Cake.

Here he is attempting to blow out his candles .. but they were a little farther away than when they were on the cupcake.

Daddy stepped in to help out.. :)

Miles enjoying his Monkey cake. Funny though this is all he ate.. but he had two pieces of pizza.. :)

Campbell enjoying his Monkey cake.

Kaliyanna enjoying the party, after having a full belly.

Nika enjoying her cake.

Danylko enjoying his cake.. as you can see it was a big hit. :)

Ewan and Ronan having cake too. :)

Our kids have some good friends and that made for a GREAT 2nd birthday party for Miles.

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