Friday, May 31, 2013

March 23, 24, 2013 - Weekend of J's Birthday and Oma's visit

Oma came to visit on Saturday and stayed that night.. She brought some treats early from the Easter bunny.. Here they are putting together the toy from a very large Kinder egg.

Out for supper at Burgers on Main to celebrate Daddy's birthday and Oma's visit. The waiter was nice enough to bring out two big pieces of cake on a plate because it was a birthday.. He didn't sing though.. ;)

Sunday morning Daddy opened his gifts with Campbell and Miles to help of course.

Campbell explaining to J who the people in the ornament are.. That's you and that's Mommy.

Outside for a bike ride and walk, even though it was COLD!! but we had to try to make it seem like spring somehow.. can you see all that snow.. YUCKO!

 On our way back home.. didn't go too far cause it was COLD!

Still trying to make it seem like spring, the kids wanted to swing.. Hard to push them cause the snow had me standing high in relation to the swing.. ;) but they had fun..
 Miles loves the swing..

Campbell and J played some ball hockey too.. "HE SCORED!!"

After supper we lit some candles in one of the monster cupcakes and sang to Daddy.. Fun filled weekend.. ;)

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