Monday, November 4, 2013

Sunday June 16, 2013 Daddy's Day and Thursday June 20, 2013 - Daddy covers daycare..

Daddy's Day..  The boys had made a lot of stuff for Daddy, some even at art class and they were super proud to give it to him.. He also got a gift card for his favourite hobby. :)

Daddy took today off to cover for daycare.. I think he enjoyed it as a change from work and so did the kids..
At the park with Daddy.. digging a big hole..

Miles taking a different route down the slide.
 and again.. ;)

Looks like Campbell almost got Daddy with his foot.

Making Miles work for his lunch.. it is Daddy's day off work.. :)

Having a great lunch at the park.. :)
They even played some soccer there after lunch.. A fun day for all of my boys.. :)

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