Sunday, October 19, 2014

Friday October 17, 2014 - Miles' School

So I have been looking for classes to do with Miles on Fridays for quite some time and the gymnastics class that I used to do with Campbell doesn't have that age group on Fridays anymore. I finally found something and even though it is a bit of a drive away I signed him up.. It is nice to have something structured for part of the day.. This class is called Sporty Kids and I figured he would love it. 2 hours and need to bring a snack and water..
Told Miles about and he was super excited to have his own class. When we pulled up the first day (which was the middle of September), he was super excited to see that it was in a brick building and screamed it looks just like Campbell's school. It doesn't really but he was excited.. so whatever..
Found out it was a drop off class.. so much for getting to do a class with him.. but he loved it so much and is so excited about having his own school to go to on Fridays (he tells everyone about it) that I couldn't take him out of it.. oh well.. we have the rest of the day together.. and it is only until the middle of December. Here is a picture of our big boy in front of his cubby at his own school.. Love this..

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