Monday, January 26, 2015

Wednesday December 24, 2014 - Christmas Eve 2014

Christmas Eve at our house this year was absolutely CRAZY!! The boys were so excited they ran around like total lunatics.. they were huggin each other spinning around saying "It's Christmas Eve" over and over.. I got a lot of really blurry pictures.. but they had so much fun.. me and J sat on the couch for almost 2 hours just watching the madness around us and just letting them go wild.. until it was closer to bedtime.. then we hung up the stockings, opened Christmas jimmies and put out cookies for Santa.. So much fun...

Miles was pretty impressed that there was a stocking with his name on it.. he traced the letters reading them out to us quite a few times. :) 

We thought that this was the end and they were finally worn out.. but no.. They were up and running around a few seconds later.. :)

Opening the one gift from Mom and Dad.. Christmas Jammies to wear tonight..

Checking out on the ipad where Santa was.. we also called the tracking elves and heard where exactly he was, when he was expected to be at our neighbourhood AND that gingerbread cookies were Santa's favourites.. The boys were super excited to talk to the elf.. I thought that they would keep talking to her all night. :)

Hanging up the stockings.. on the wall..

Leaving the milk and cookies..

The white pieces of paper have arrows drawn on them by Campbell to make sure that Santa makes it from the wood stove to the stockings.. just in case.. ;)

Campbell and Miles in their "Everything is AWESOME!!" Lego Movie jammies they just opened.. getting ready for bed..
Once we left their rooms there was not a sound out of them.. I think Miles might of come out once but that was it.. LOVE THIS TIME OF YEAR!! SO MUCH FUN!!

Sunday December 21, 2014 - Afternoon spent sliding on the front lawn..

Who thought it could be so much fun having a ditch on the front lawn.. yeah for that..

Saturday December 20 and Sunday December 21, 2014 - Ginger bread cookie making and decorating

Lots of fun had making and decorating the gingerbread cookies.
Here is the rolling and cutting out.. Which the boys are actually getting good at.. this dough was not the best.. a little too crumbly for them. Might try a different recipe next year..

 Miles cutting out some gingerbread..

Campbell bugged me for weeks to make gingerbread.. there was just too much on the go so I told him once school was done.. Notice that this was the first day of vacation.. :) But he LOVED it..


No time the first day to decorate too.. so first thing Sunday morning before they were even dressed the decorating started..

Miles icing something.. himself included probably..

Decorating is serious stuff for Campbell. :)

They all did a great job.. and had so much fun together doing this..

Campbell with a reindeer that he decorated. Super proud of it.. and he did a great job..

Thursday December 18, 2014 - Campbell's Senior Kindergarten (SK) Christmas Concert

In case you have a hard time finding him.. Campbell is in the front row with a red sweater on and navy blue pants.. He is standing next to Parker, his best buddy who has a red and white striped shirt on.
The first parrt it seems they are all a little distracted but once they stand up.. seems the song came to them more.. Cool dude moves on Campbell.. last year if you remember he was slightly shocked at the number of people. This year seems more comfortable..