Monday, January 26, 2015

Saturday December 20 and Sunday December 21, 2014 - Ginger bread cookie making and decorating

Lots of fun had making and decorating the gingerbread cookies.
Here is the rolling and cutting out.. Which the boys are actually getting good at.. this dough was not the best.. a little too crumbly for them. Might try a different recipe next year..

 Miles cutting out some gingerbread..

Campbell bugged me for weeks to make gingerbread.. there was just too much on the go so I told him once school was done.. Notice that this was the first day of vacation.. :) But he LOVED it..


No time the first day to decorate too.. so first thing Sunday morning before they were even dressed the decorating started..

Miles icing something.. himself included probably..

Decorating is serious stuff for Campbell. :)

They all did a great job.. and had so much fun together doing this..

Campbell with a reindeer that he decorated. Super proud of it.. and he did a great job..

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