Saturday, June 6, 2015

Friday March 13, 2015 Miles' 4th Birthday and Saturday March 14, 2015 Miles' 4th Birthday Party

Friday for Miles' actual birthday we went to what Miles calls the "jumping place" a trampoline place in Ottawa. He loves it.. had a great day.. 
 Finished the day off with a cupcake..

Starting Saturday by having his first Jiu Jitzu class.. He has been watching Campbell go to classes for almost a year so I think he was just thrilled to be finally old enough to join in.. He was awesome..

Miles with his cake before the party started..

He had some of his friends (unfortunately not everyone could make it) over for a play, pizza and cake. Here they are enjoying their pizza.

Miles blowing out his candle.. turning 4 WOW!! Great time had by all and my little one is 4..

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