Friday, August 5, 2011

Monday August 1, 2011 - Holiday Monday at the Beach

We went down to Baxter Conservation Area Beach and had an amazing day.. It was an amazing day and this beach has a lot of nice trees that give good shade for the babies.. As soon as we got there Campbell wanted to go swimming, he got in and started to swim right away. J said the water was super shallow but he was swimming... What a fish we have!!
Miles playing on the blanket in the shade..
After a while swimming, the sand was a calling.. Daddy and Campbell playing in the sand..
In from swimming for our picnic lunch.. but wouldn't take his puddle jumper off because he wanted to go back swimming right away..
Laura, Danylko and Kalyana joined us down there.
Campbell and Daddy in from swimming for lunch..
Miles napping in the shade..
Campbell swimming again.. He swam so much that morning, it was amazing..
Kalyana napping in the shade..
Miles enjoying his travel seat... it is too cute watching him sitting up in this seat..
Miles fell asleep that night on his bug.. it was too cute.

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