Saturday, November 26, 2011

Saturday November 26th, 2011 - New Hair Cut and Miles Update

Not sure why when you say to Campbell that you want to take a picture of his new hair cut this is the face we get.. :) Here is another new hair cut pic.. with Sophie on his head.. once again not sure why?.
Miles is starting to pull himself up on things and try to push them, walk a bit and climb up and over them.. He is a handful.. but cute.. look how much he looks like he is a smooth operator in this picture. :)
Campbell and Daddy playing a game together on the ipad.
Miles standing up in his crib and Campbell climbing up to hang out.. Both are getting ready for tubbie time which is why there is a lack of shirts in these pictures.
Campbell and Miles holding hands. too cute.
Miles standing up in his crib.. too cute.. this only started happening a few days ago..
Miles.. not a great face but can you see his tooth first teeth.. they are on the bottom.. Got both of them during Nannie's visit..

Friday, November 25, 2011

Saturday November 12th, 2011 - Campbell making Miles laugh..

As a Mom this is the stuff that makes me fill up, seeing the boys playing and laughing and being brothers.. It was great to get it on video.. enjoy!

OUT OF ORDER November 1-3, 2011 - Nannie's last week

Some pics from Nannies last week..
Miles having fun at Campbell's Gym Stars class.
Miles and Mommy at East Side Marios for lunch with Nannie.
Nannie and Miles at East Side Marios for lunch.
Tubbie Time FUN..
Some pics of the boys enjoying the last part of Nannie's visit in the nice weather outside..
Campbell has learned how to pump his legs and use the big boy swing..
Miles in the swing..
Nannie and Miles hanging..
But he still likes the baby swing too.. especially spinning in it..
Loving the spinning..

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Monday October 31, 2011 - Halloween

So Halloween again.. and it is really neat to see Miles wearing the costumes that Campbell wore.. Too cute..
Here is Miles - SUPERMAN!!
Miles SUPERMAN again standing up, with the help of the laundry basket.
SUPERMAN crashed and slept..
Miles as Pooh dressed up like pumpkin and Campbell as a Giraffe.. They are just too cute..
In the double stroller ready to go trick or treating.. Campbell just loved the trick or treating.. Of course got LOTS of treats..

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Sunday October 30, 2011 - Carving the Pumpkin

Here are some pictures of us carving our pumpkin.. The day that we picked out the pumpkin Campbell said that he really wanted to give our pumpkin hair.. I asked him what he wanted to use for the hair and he said "FEATHERS".. So on the way home from the pumpkin patch we stopped off at the dollar store and got some craft colourful feathers to use for hair.. I think that it was a great idea and that it turned out great, plus no one had a pumpkin like ours. :)
Cutting the top off..
Campbell looking into the pumpkin.. not sure he liked the looks of it.. :)
Campbell and Daddy digging out the insides.. :)
Campbell adding the hair (feathers) to the pumpkin.
Campbell and the final Pumpkin..
Happy Halloween..

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Friday October 28th, 2011 - Pumpkin Patch

Went to the Pumpkin Patch today to pick out our pumpkin.. Campbell and the pumpkin that he picked as our pumpkin in the wagon.

Campbell and Mommy in the pumpkin patch.. you can't see it in the pictures but our feet got caked with mud.
Miles slept thru the picking out the pumpkin.
Campbell played on the hay..
Campbell the pumpkin..
Campbell in the pumpkin house.
Campbell and Nanny hanging out at the pumpkin patch..

Tuesday October 25th, 2011 - Gym and Outside

Campbell has a Gym Stars class Tuesday mornings.. here are a few pics of him at his class..
Jumping on the tramp..
Miles outside playing..
Miles and Nanny outside enjoying a nice but cold day.

Sunday October 23, 2011 - The Boys in the Leaves Together

Got out and tried to clear out some of the leaves.. Campbell is becoming more and more of a help.. here are some cute pics of the boys in the leaves.. :)

Saturday October 22nd, 2011 - Busy Day

Campbell decided that we needed to take pictures of this little green guy.. and I took quite a few.. he still wanted more but I said that it was enough.. too funny what they get in their heads sometimes.. :) Went to cheer on Ita (Campbell's daycare provider and our good friend) running a half marathon.. she is so good this was nearly the end and she had so much energy to wave and jump around to make sure we saw her.. it was AWESOME!! Her time was amazing finished in around 1:50... AWESOME!! We were so proud..
Uncle Kenn blowing out his candles, I made the cake and Campbell decorated it.. Kenn said that he couldn't remember ever having a cake that was so colourful. ;)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

October 19, 2011 - Videos

Campbell saying eenie meenie.. too cute..

Miles starting to crawl.. getting better and better at it all the time. :)

October 19, 2011 - Campbell and his balloons

Brad my friend the balloon guy came for a visit this past Tuesday and was kind enough to make some balloon creations for Campbell.. Campbell loves them.. Here is Campbell with Mike W. from Monsters Inc. movie.