Saturday, November 26, 2011

Saturday November 26th, 2011 - New Hair Cut and Miles Update

Not sure why when you say to Campbell that you want to take a picture of his new hair cut this is the face we get.. :) Here is another new hair cut pic.. with Sophie on his head.. once again not sure why?.
Miles is starting to pull himself up on things and try to push them, walk a bit and climb up and over them.. He is a handful.. but cute.. look how much he looks like he is a smooth operator in this picture. :)
Campbell and Daddy playing a game together on the ipad.
Miles standing up in his crib and Campbell climbing up to hang out.. Both are getting ready for tubbie time which is why there is a lack of shirts in these pictures.
Campbell and Miles holding hands. too cute.
Miles standing up in his crib.. too cute.. this only started happening a few days ago..
Miles.. not a great face but can you see his tooth first teeth.. they are on the bottom.. Got both of them during Nannie's visit..

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