Saturday, November 19, 2011

Sunday October 30, 2011 - Carving the Pumpkin

Here are some pictures of us carving our pumpkin.. The day that we picked out the pumpkin Campbell said that he really wanted to give our pumpkin hair.. I asked him what he wanted to use for the hair and he said "FEATHERS".. So on the way home from the pumpkin patch we stopped off at the dollar store and got some craft colourful feathers to use for hair.. I think that it was a great idea and that it turned out great, plus no one had a pumpkin like ours. :)
Cutting the top off..
Campbell looking into the pumpkin.. not sure he liked the looks of it.. :)
Campbell and Daddy digging out the insides.. :)
Campbell adding the hair (feathers) to the pumpkin.
Campbell and the final Pumpkin..
Happy Halloween..

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