Thursday, February 2, 2012

Saturday December 31st, 2011 - New Year's Eve

This New Year's we had our neighbours Heather, Shawn and Grace over for supper and we hung out for a bit.. It was a lot of fun..
Campbell had fun being the cowboy for a while..
Then the New Year celebrations..
We got some glow necklaces and glasses.. aren't the glasses priceless.. they were a bit big but definitely hilarious..
Then out came the horns.. Needless to say the horns were hidden once Campbell went to bed.. But they had a lot of fun with them..
Miles had fun too.. laughing at the other two crazy kids.. :)
Happy New Year..
I love this picture.. midjump.. :)
And in case you are wondering... no we didn't let Campbell stay up until midnight.. He was up a little late but not too bad.. and did Mom and Dad make it to midnight.... Nope.. :)

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