Saturday, February 18, 2012

Sunday January 15th, 2012 - Campbell's 3rd Birthday Party

Campbell's 3rd Birthday Party was a huge hit and a lot of FUN!! We kept it pretty relaxed and had some of his friends over.. They played, had some chips, pizza and then cake.. everyone seemed to have fun and that is the main thing.. This year due to Campbell's love of animals I asked him his favourite animal, he answered "Lion"..
So I made a Lion cake and Monkey cupcakes. He has always loved monkey's.. who doesn't like monkeys.. (they make a fun sound and you can even do the actions..)
Campbell before anyone got to the party, posing with his cake and cupcakes.
Campbell blowing out his candle.. he sat with a very proud face while we all sang and then acted shy and didn't want to blow out the candle.. which is strange because he loves to blow out candles.. But Daddy stepped in to help out, which worked out beautifully.. ;)
Some pics of Campbell's friends that came..
Hannah and Miles.. Miles had fun at the birthday party too.. It is wild to see him getting so much more involved in playing with everyone..
Campbell's parties always have a bit of storytime.. His love of books, I guess, makes this inevitable.. :)
Can't get over how much older he looks to me.. Our sweet boy is 3...

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