Sunday, April 22, 2012

Monday March 19th, 2012 - Summer in March..

So today was another gorgeous day for March, high was 25 or around there. Summer in March amazing. Campbell decided that he wanted to eat supper outside. J unfortunately had to work late or went out for supper with someone. But we don't have the deck furniture put out yet so we decided that a picnic with a blanket on the deck would be fun. 
Here is Campbell helping give Miles some food. He loves helping feed his brother. 
 Campbell enjoying his milk at the first picnic this year.
 Miles enjoying the picnic.
 Campbell and Miles having fun together.. :)
 Campbell showing me the shirt that Blake and Jorja gave him from Mexico. Miles has his on today too. You can see it in the picture above.
 Then we went for a run up to the mailbox and back.. It was beautiful.. Wow I can't wait for this to be the norm.. It is supposed to be nice all week but I know it won't last after that.. but it is definitely a nice break.. :)

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