Sunday, April 1, 2012

Tuesday March 13th, 2012 - Miles' First Birthday

So I can't believe it.. our baby is 1! Wow how the time flies.. I know everyone says that but when you look at the first year of a baby's life, you REALLY feel it.. They go from being finally in air, and needing to learn how to do everything, to almost walking on their own and talking and everything in a year.. and it seems like it totally flies by..
Here is Miles first thing on his birthday morning, I said Happy Birthday Miles and he stopped crawling and looked at me with this face.. :)
Campbell and Miles had a blast playing with the Zoo set that Ita, Michael, Jake and Ruairi gave him.. They seem to play together better and better as time goes on.. it is so nice to see.
Aunt Karin, Uncle Corey and Cousin Tegan came for a visit and brought us all birthday gifts.. and even gave Campbell something so he wouldn't be left out.. Thanks guys..
Campbell and Tegan helped Miles blow out his first candle.
The first time having cake is always an interesting one.. he was amazed with the icing at first..
Then he seemed to really like it and had to hold his hand over his mouth so that it wouldn't fall out.. seems to do this with all foods that he really likes.. :)
Check out the video on the next post of the beginning of eating his first cupcake..

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