Friday, December 5, 2014

Friday November 28, 2014 - Campbell's Bear Song and Respect award at School

Sorry.. I did take a video of the Bear song but I took it the wrong way on my phone and when I downloaded it to the computer they all look really short and wide.. oh well.. 
They sang the song Danse l'ourson (in english Bear Dance) on stage in front of the school at the beginning of the Respect assembly. It was super cute.. They all wore their pjs and brought in a teddy bear from home. 

Here is Campbell receiving the Respect award for his class from his teacher. We are super proud of him.. Respect is an amazing character trait to have. :) 
 Here is Campbell with his award.. and his special Bear Hat that they each made for the song.
 Here is Campbell with the rest of the Respect award winners in the school, one per class.

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