Friday, December 5, 2014

Saturday November 22, 2014 - PCL Kids Christmas Party!!

Today was the Kids Christmas Party that J's work puts off every year. It is always a great time and this year has to have been the best for us so far. Last year J was working so we had a good time but missed Daddy.. This year the kids just had a blast and Santa dropped by the night before and left LEGO kits for all the kids.. The boys were super excited.. Santa couldn't have picked better presents. 
Here are the boys and Daddy just after eating they went and got their Lego.. :) 
 Miles doing a colouring sheet sitting on Daddy's lap.
 Campbell working hard on a colouring sheet.
 The boys while they watched the magic show. This magician was awesome. :)

Then we had some fun at the photo booth.. Here is Daddy and Campbell having fun at the photobooth while Miles and I waited in the line up for him to get his facepainted..
 In the end the line up was too long for the facepainting so we all decided to have some fun at the photobooth.
 Finally got everyone to pick things that didn't totally cover their faces. ;) Cute Christmas family photo..
Then we ended the fun outside at the firepit having hot chocolate and marshmallows and running around.. We decided against the wagon ride this time as the wind was high and making it feel super cold.. And we had a long morning anyway.. YEAH!! what a great way to start the Christmas fun!! Thanks PCL!!

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