Saturday, June 6, 2015

Monday March 16, 2015 - Parc Omega Visit with Nannie

Something fun and different to do and we hvae never been.. March break is a nice time to try and do something really different.. so with Nannie here visiting I thought we would finally take a trip to Parc Omega. Here are the boys at the entrance.. 

 They were so excited about this and really weren't sure what they were getting into.. but they both just love animals and a chance to feed some large and different animals from the car and not.. was an exciting thing. Here is Campbell feeding one of the first deer that came up to the car.. he sat with that carrot in his hand from the time we left the beginning, just waiting for one.. he didn't have to wait long luckily but he was super cute waiting.. so excited..
 Here is Miles feeding one of his first deer on his side of the truck.. He loved it too..

Having some maple toffee at the sugar shack part way through the park.

There was another spot to stop, with a little different playground and we had our lunch there..

At this stopping point we did spot some white tail deer which they said at the beginning might be at the walking places and that they were tame enough to feed by hand from outside the vehicle.. The boys were super lucky to get to do this.. what a great experience.
Campbell feeding a deer by hand..

Miles got to as well, which was awesome.

Here is an Ibex that were closer to the end of the park and one similar to this one actually used the step on the truck to get up higher and closer to try and get a carrot from Campbell.. which Campbell was happy to give.. but it did give Mommy a bit of a fright..
What a great day. They have a lot of different animals and we were even lucky enough to see one of the black bears, even though they are hibernating still.. Apparently they do come out of the den several feet at times during hibernation and we were lucky enough to see one.. Campbell thought that this was just the luckiest thing in the world.. quite amazing.. not that we saw him close up but still neat to see.. Definitely a must to go back anouther time.

Friday March 13, 2015 Miles' 4th Birthday and Saturday March 14, 2015 Miles' 4th Birthday Party

Friday for Miles' actual birthday we went to what Miles calls the "jumping place" a trampoline place in Ottawa. He loves it.. had a great day.. 
 Finished the day off with a cupcake..

Starting Saturday by having his first Jiu Jitzu class.. He has been watching Campbell go to classes for almost a year so I think he was just thrilled to be finally old enough to join in.. He was awesome..

Miles with his cake before the party started..

He had some of his friends (unfortunately not everyone could make it) over for a play, pizza and cake. Here they are enjoying their pizza.

Miles blowing out his candle.. turning 4 WOW!! Great time had by all and my little one is 4..

Monday February 16, 2015 - Family Day with Nannie

Family Day was a super cold day so we thought long and hard about going out but it was the last day of Winterlude and Nannie was visiting... so we took a chance and bundled up really well and figured we last as long as we last and we can come home when we get cold.. went over to Jacques Cartier park for the winterlude activities for the first time.. We were so lucky there wasn't much wind over there and they had so much cool things to do that we stayed for a couple of hours at least and had an amazing time.. so thrilled that we decided to go.. Unfortunately Daddy wasn't feeling well so he decided to stay home. 

 Here is a selfie of us all just before we head down the ice slide..

Here is Nannie and the boys sitting ready to go down the ice slide.. on your bum was a bumpy ride but a neat experience.

Then we tried out the tubing which was much nicer as it was such a smooth ride in comparison.. the boys absolutely loved it.. Something we will have to try and do next year again for sure.

Nannie and the boys in front of this snow carving of the winterlude bear.

Mommy and her boys in front of the winterlude bear snow carving.

Of course had to get a bearvertail as a treat.. YUMMY!!

Campbell got to try out down hill skiing and loved it.. unfortunately Miles was too young, but he would have went too..

Then because we were out so long having fun we stopped on the way home for some lunch at McD's.. of course a favourite of the boys.. Couldn't have had a better day.. YEAH Winterlude!!

Sunday January 11, 2015 - Campbell's 6th Birthday Party!!!

Great time had by all especially Campbell at the Midway Family Fun Park for his 6th Birthday..
Here are a few pictures..
Campbell, the driver of the bumper car.. and did quite well and had a blast.. They also got to play in a huge indoor jungle jim.

 Everyone eating the pizza they made themselves before playing.

Campbell blowing out his candle on his dinosaur coming out of a cake cake..

Campbell with his ice cream sundae that they got to make themselves.

Campbell got to spin the wheel for a prize.. YEAH!!

Here is a picture of the full crew.. lots of fun and a party Campbell won't soon forget.. AWESOME!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Thursday December 25, 2014 - Christmas Day!!!

Christmas Day was so much fun.. Miles really understood more and got excited about his presents.. We were all spoiled by family and Santa. Here are a few pics.. 

Here is Miles opening the car that Campbell picked out and got for him. 
 Here is Campbell super happy that Santa brought him the Leonardo da Vinci Catapult that he so wanted.. This was the first gift he opened.

Here is Campbell with his sidekick, Miles, trying out his web shotter that he got from Santa. Messy but super fun..

The boys sitting down for their turkey dinner before the guests arrive. One extreme to the other Miles in jeans and a shirt and tie and Campbell in sweatshirt and sweat pants. Too funny..

Great time having the neighbours over for turkey dinner.. Nice to have Great neighbours, makes all the difference in the world. 

Another amazing Christmas Day!! Lots of fun and we were totally spoiled.. 

Monday, January 26, 2015

Wednesday December 24, 2014 - Christmas Eve 2014

Christmas Eve at our house this year was absolutely CRAZY!! The boys were so excited they ran around like total lunatics.. they were huggin each other spinning around saying "It's Christmas Eve" over and over.. I got a lot of really blurry pictures.. but they had so much fun.. me and J sat on the couch for almost 2 hours just watching the madness around us and just letting them go wild.. until it was closer to bedtime.. then we hung up the stockings, opened Christmas jimmies and put out cookies for Santa.. So much fun...

Miles was pretty impressed that there was a stocking with his name on it.. he traced the letters reading them out to us quite a few times. :) 

We thought that this was the end and they were finally worn out.. but no.. They were up and running around a few seconds later.. :)

Opening the one gift from Mom and Dad.. Christmas Jammies to wear tonight..

Checking out on the ipad where Santa was.. we also called the tracking elves and heard where exactly he was, when he was expected to be at our neighbourhood AND that gingerbread cookies were Santa's favourites.. The boys were super excited to talk to the elf.. I thought that they would keep talking to her all night. :)

Hanging up the stockings.. on the wall..

Leaving the milk and cookies..

The white pieces of paper have arrows drawn on them by Campbell to make sure that Santa makes it from the wood stove to the stockings.. just in case.. ;)

Campbell and Miles in their "Everything is AWESOME!!" Lego Movie jammies they just opened.. getting ready for bed..
Once we left their rooms there was not a sound out of them.. I think Miles might of come out once but that was it.. LOVE THIS TIME OF YEAR!! SO MUCH FUN!!

Sunday December 21, 2014 - Afternoon spent sliding on the front lawn..

Who thought it could be so much fun having a ditch on the front lawn.. yeah for that..

Saturday December 20 and Sunday December 21, 2014 - Ginger bread cookie making and decorating

Lots of fun had making and decorating the gingerbread cookies.
Here is the rolling and cutting out.. Which the boys are actually getting good at.. this dough was not the best.. a little too crumbly for them. Might try a different recipe next year..

 Miles cutting out some gingerbread..

Campbell bugged me for weeks to make gingerbread.. there was just too much on the go so I told him once school was done.. Notice that this was the first day of vacation.. :) But he LOVED it..


No time the first day to decorate too.. so first thing Sunday morning before they were even dressed the decorating started..

Miles icing something.. himself included probably..

Decorating is serious stuff for Campbell. :)

They all did a great job.. and had so much fun together doing this..

Campbell with a reindeer that he decorated. Super proud of it.. and he did a great job..