Our first big outting with two boys.. Mommy, Nanny, Campbell and Miles went to the Museum of Nature. It was a great morning with the boys, we got to the museum around 10:30 and didn't leave there until about 2pm. We had lunch there and everything.. A great time was had by all and we saw almost the whole museum only missing the Earth section, which Campbell didn't find that exciting the last time we were there (it is pretty much just rocks)..
Miles got dressed up in his dinosaur suit and Oscar shoes (that was Campbell's) for the outting..
Miles also got to try out this sweater from Campbell.. it is still big on him but it worked anyway.Campbell and Miles at the museum.Nanny and Campbell in front of the dinosaur eggs with the one baby dinosaur hatching out.. Campbell thought that this was really exciting that dinosaurs hatched out of eggs like birds and ducks do.Campbell and Mommy looking at some dinosaur bones.
Campbell enjoying the penguin exhibit, this part has two different types of penguin tracks, one on either side and Campbell had a blast running back and forth on them and then crawling on it.. :) Campbell in the cave with the polar bears.
Campbell, Miles and Mommy with the polar bears.
I'd watch that big Polar Bear....looks like she going to eat Miles...