Sunday, March 27, 2011

Wednesday March 23, 2011 - Visit from Lisa, Judy and Sam

Lisa and Judy come to meet Miles for the first time, it was a great visit and as per usual they brought stuff to spoil us all.
Lisa meets Miles for the first time and having a good chat..
Lisa's first visit with Miles.
Judy meets Miles for the first time..
Judy and Miles hanging out.
Miles and the giggling Monkey that Kim sent up for him.. Campbell loves this laughing monkey and pretends to tickle him as he laughs.. I am sure that Miles will love him too. Thanks Kim.
Mommy and Miles getting ready to go out for a walk.. This froggy suit was from Aunt Nat to Campbell when he was little.. It is amazing to think that Campbell fit into this looking at what a big boy he is now.

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