Sunday, March 27, 2011

Thursday March 24, 2011 - Daddy's Birthday

For Daddy's Birthday we went out for supper at the Red Dot Cafe in Osgoode.. It is close and the food is good.. This is Mommy, Daddy and Campbell and the card that Campbell made for Daddy. It was nice to get out and Campbell and Miles were both really good which made it easier.
Nanny and Miles sat together at the restaurant.. Miles was a good boy and slept thru the whole meal.

Campbell playing with Daddy and Nanny after supper..

Campbell playing with stickers with Nanny.
Miles took his first bottle from Nanny.. No trouble getting him to take it.. he took it as if he always has a bottle. :) Good job buddy.
Two little fists on either side of the bottle.. too cute. :)

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