Sunday, July 24, 2011

Saturday July 16th, 2011 - Ribfest (OUT OF ORDER)

Sorry another out of order one.. but there was a lot of stuff on the 16th and these are pics that were taken by friends and they were just too good not to post.. She took a class and I can't get over the amazing shots she got.. Here are just some and trust me they were all awesome..

They had a kids slide set up going into this small blow up pool and the kids, including Campbell were just loving it.. This is Campbell on one of his many landings.. :)
Campbell doing what he calls his "exercises".. too funny..
Great shot of Campbell laughing..
Miles partied really hard and callapsed asleep in Karen's arms..
Cassie, Alissa and Max.. Tongues out.. :)
Lin, Josh and Max the hosting family of Ribfest.. Great family shot..
Great family shot of another family we know.. :) ha ha.. it's us.. :)

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