Saturday, July 23, 2011

Thursday July 14, 2011 - Julie and Daniel Visit from Vancouver

Today Julie and Daniel came for a visit, they were down visiting from Vancouver.. In case you don't remember they used to live across the street from us and they had Daniel on our actual due date for Campbell which was January 17th, 2009.. It was so amazing having them across the street during mat leave and even after going back to work.. So easy to see that they were out playing and just go out and join them, or play dates were easy to get to, etc.. But due to Chris' work they moved to Vancouver.. I am thrilled for them that the move is working out so well but we definitely miss having them here, across the street.. The boys played together well, as well as two 2.5 year olds do.. and it was neat to see them playing together now after them being gone for almost a whole year...

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