Sunday, July 24, 2011

Saturday July 9th, 2011 - OUT OF ORDER POST

In my defence these are out of order because all these pics are taken with my cell phone.. gotta say it takes great pics as long as there is enough light..
First little road trip in our new vehicle, we went to Embrun (less than an hour away), stopped in at a chip stand and they had a cool little play place for Campbell out back.. it was a really nice surprise.. Our big boy is getting really good at playing on stuff by himself.. He impresses more and more everyday with the stuff he can do and/or figures out by himself.. amazing thing to watch and experience..
He went up this ladder imediately with no help at all from us and didn't fall.. ;)
Campbell at the top..
Not sure I like this look.. but sure I will see it more and more often as he gets older.. :)
This look I like a lot more.. he had a lot of fun there and didn't want to leave.. always a good sign of a fun place..

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