Wednesday, July 11, 2012

May 7th to 19th, 2012 - Nannie's Visit

Another amazing visit with Nannie.. We had mostly warm/hot weather but there were a couple of colder days.. Got the flower pots planted..The kids loved helping..

Campbell pulling Miles in the wagon.. 

Miles having fun.

Downtown tulip festival.. Nannie and Miles with tulips in background.

Campbell and Daddy by tulips..

Campbell having his pastry treat.. 

Miles had fun just walking around in the park downtown.

Campbell really wanted a lemonade.. he loves it.. Nannie gave him the money and he went and asked for it and paid for it with Mommy next to him..

He was so good about sharing with Miles... who loved it too..

And sharing with Daddy.

Campbell, Miles, Nannie and Mommy went to Valley View Farm.. and had lots of fun..

Campbell was so proud of himself for feeding the goats.

Here he is feeding one of the goats.. he wasn't even nervous this time.. just excited..

The boys on a play horse.. Too cute how Miles is holding onto Campbell's shoulder.

Rocking together..

A colder day at the park.. Mommy wanted to leave early because of the cold.. but we stayed a little while.. The boys on the tire swing together.

Going down the slide together.

Miles peeking through at Mommy..

Miles thinking about his next shot.. :)

Campbell playing baseball and Miles playing golf..

The three boys sharing cheesies.. :)

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