Friday, July 13, 2012

Monday May 21st, 2012 - Rice Krispies and Ice Cream Cone cupcakes

Shortly after breakfast Miles found the box of Rice Krispies that luckily only had a small amount left and proceeded to dump what was left on the floor.. At least he decided he wanted to eat them.. so he bent down grabbed two hand fulls off the floor, stood up and jammed them in his mouth and kept doing that over and over.. after a few times he figured out that he should just bend down and stay down to jam his face with Rice Krispies.. It was super funny to watch.. I hope the next few pictures help to show you what he was like.. 
Jamming his face full..

Getting some more..

Jamming his face full, again..

The look I got when I said Miles what did you do?? Sort of a guilty look..

Face full of Rice Krispies.. :) too funny..

Later that day Campbell was having a Ice Cream Cone Cupcake and really enjoyed it..
Nice face Campbell..

He had so much fun eating it..

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