Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sunday April 22, 2012 - Campbell's Big Boy Bike

Campbell got a big boy bike today and totally took to it.. Little did Mom and Dad realize how much this would change their walks. 
First time on the big boy bike. Note the new Batman helmet and Batman bell that he loves.. 

 And he was off...

 Miles rode in the wagon and had fun being pulled by Mr. GQ.

Miles enjoying the ride.

Campbell impressed us all and once we had gone part way around the neighbourhood, he started just going.. I couldn't get a video of it because he was going so fast.. and we were running to keep up with him..
He was so smart.. at one point in going fast he realized that the training wheels had caught him and made sure that he didn't fall.. he looked back to the training wheels and said to me "those little wheels are GREAT!"

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