Friday, August 31, 2012

Sunday July 22, 2012 - Camping Kit and First Time Bowling

So we saw a Family Camping Kit on sale at Walmart and decided that it would be fun to have.. It came with a big tent, two camping chairs, two sleeping bags and a shelter. Today we decided to put the stuff together and see what it was like.. 
Here is Campbell checking out one of the sleeping bags.. he was so EXCITED!!

Here is the start of putting the tent together..

Before long we had this..  Pretty good sized tent up..

Campbell and Daddy being silly in the tent.

Campbell and Miles being silly in the tent..

The tent with Campbell and Miles in it.

Campbell and Daddy chilling in the camping chairs under the shelter..

Here is everybody at bowling.. it was the first time out for Attie and Campbell.. definitely a bit soon for Miles and a bit tough to do with Miles.. But the older boys had a huge amount of fun.. 

Campbell bowling..

Miles hanging out..

 Miles trying to bowl..

High fives for a good shot..

They had a couple of games at the arcade and then we headed to a restaurant for supper. 
Campbell and Miles holding hands outside the bowling alley. 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Wednesday July 18th, 2012 - Backpacks

Today Campbell put on the new hand me down backpack from his cousin Blake with Eeyore on it. He put some of his toys in it and put it on his back. He then decided that Miles needed a backpack and that his Nemo backpack was bigger and that Miles should have the Eeyore one.. He helped Miles put it on with some lighter toys in it, at my suggestion. Miles' face lite up.. he was so proud. 

Campbell put on the Nemo backpack and the two of them were ready for school.. Miles couldn't be prouder to be playing with Campbell. Look at this face..

"Hey Campbell, look at me, I am ready to go too.. " :)

Monday July 9th, 2012 - Artist Day Outside

It was a gorgeous day outside and not too humid, so we thought it would be a fun day to do something different.. The weather has been so good that there has been a lot of days playing in water, etc. Campbell loves painting and crafts.. we decided on painting outside on the back deck. Covered the plastic picnic table and the easel with paper and Miles got to wear one of my old shirts.. This was hilarious as you can see he looked like a coral coloured ghost.. :) but seriously cute.. :)  

The little artists at work.. 

Miles decided that the picnic table needed some colour too.

Miles hard at work creating a masterpiece.

Campbell hard at work creating his masterpiece.

Then they switched to using the dotters.. Which Miles thought was fun..

They shared the colours really well.. it was so cute.. them switching back and forth. ;)

Then they started painting together.. I must say it was a day of getting along. I love those days.

Campbell's masterpiece.

Campbell and Miles together..

Campbell's hand prints..

All the masterpieces drying out on the clothesline. Too cute and a fun day..

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Sunday July 8th, 2012 - A Great Day Ending at Bluesfest Concert

J's coworker gave us this basketball net last year but this year it is a huge hit..
Here is Campbell doing a slam dunk..

Here is Campbell trying to show and help Miles do a slam dunk.. ;)

Here is Campbell giving Miles an under duck.. :)

Campbell is actually getting quite good at hitting the ball with the bat.. This day he hit like 7 or 8 in a row.. :) He really likes playing with this set.. 

This year we went down to Bluesfest and met up with Lisa and family there for a few concerts.. It was awesome.. We saw Walk Off The Earth and aa few other acts.. Great music, Great friends and lots of FUN!!
Here is Campbell dancing around to the music..

Campbell and Daddy having fun in the grass.. This is one of my favourite pictures of the summer.. :)

Lisa and Hannah, great mother - daughter hug.. with Judy on the side..

J with Sam and Miles in arms.. Note Campbell flying by.. ;) too funny..

Campbell, Miles and I listening to some good music.. Miles didn't want to stay still.. 

Daddy and Campbell hanging out.. They went off a few times and Campbell got up on J's shoulders to get a better view of the band playing.. He REALLY enjoyed the concerts..

Here is Miles trying to leap frog Campbell.. Hannah and Leah were playing leap frog and taught Campbell how.. Miles couldn't be left out.. too cute.. :) 
 Sam saying hi..

Here is the group of us, Doug, Judy, myself, Lisa.. with blankets and food set out.. kids playing all around.. So much fun had by all at the concerts.. Definitely something we will have to do again next year..

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Saturday July 7, 2012 - Daddies Hammock Tent

Daddy in cleaning up the basement the other weekend or maybe it was just looking for something in the basement, found his hammock tent. He told me that he bought this thing when he was going canoe camping with Fraser and Kenn and that it sounded awesome to him at the time of purchase and was extremely small but that he found out on his first trip with it; that it had it's flaws. 
We found out today that it is extremely FUN, no matter what the flaws are for canoe camping. 
Daddy set it up and he first tried it out.. 
 As you can see Miles was quite interested in how/why Daddy was in there.
 Campbell got in next to try it out.
 Then the real FUN started when Miles and Campbell were in it together..
 It turned into turned into a trampoline tent for them and they just had a ball, bouncing and laughing and playing.. It was hilarious to watch..
 Miles and Campbell playing..
 Too funny.. I thought for sure that there was going to be a bonked head.. but we were lucky no injuries..
 It was SO funny watching them.. all we did was laugh with them and take pictures.. a lot of which are blurry.. I am thrilled that we got these ones..

Here is the set up in case you were wondering.. Anyway hammock tent HUGELY fun for kids..

Also lots of fun is the new kid's picnic table that one of our neighbours put out on the road to give away.. The boys love it.. it is the perfect size..

Also pretty funny is Campbell with his new Water Mask.. He is definitely enjoying it.. ;)