Friday, August 10, 2012

Sunday June 17th, 2012 - Daddy's Day at the Beach with Friends

Daddy's Day was a beautiful day and we met up with Sharie, Kevin, Attie and Seth at Baxter Beach and had a picnic lunch and a GREAT time.
Sharie, Miles and Seth snacking on the blanket.. I think Miles ate ALL the strawberries that Sharie brought before we even had any lunch.
Then we had ice cream.. it was a warm day but there was a real breeze and the kids were wet.. so the ice creams made the kids shiver.
Campbell and Attie enjoying their ice creams.
 Everyone enjoying ice cream..
 Oh it is COLD.. and messy.. :)
 Campbell and Attie almost after.. :)
A GREAT day was had by ALL..

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