Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Sunday July 1st, 2012 - Canada Day

This year for Canada Day J and I thought it would be fun to take the boys downtown for the celebrations during the morning and then head back home for nap time.. We weren't expecting as many people to be downtown in the morning as there were but it was still a lot of fun and definitely an experience for the boys..
Campbell wanted his face painted and was so proud of his Canada flag (he called it), the girl that did it even put some sparkles on it for him..
 Us having some snacks mid morning.
Campbell during a horse race.. this was hilarious to watch.. this volunteer bounced Campbell around a hay bale as he hung on for dear life and tried to bounce too.. I think it was fun.. :)
We waited in line for Campbell to go in this fake horse and meet a real cowboy and he was showing kids how to throw a lasso.. I do not think Campbell realized what he was waiting for as there were a lot of people around.. and during the wait in the line up there was a really cool trampoline show that Campbell and Miles were laughing out loud at. Anyway he got to the front and got on the horse and froze with shyness.
 Here is a closer look at Campbell's face.. he wouldn't even look at the cowboy.
 Here is Miles up on the horse with the cowboy.
We brought the wagon, which worked out well.. they both could ride and when Campbell or Miles wanted to walk we could put bags and what not in it.
 Campbell had an ice cream after we had our picnic lunch we headed back to the car and bought an ice cream for him to have on the way.. WOW what a mess.. but he really enjoyed it.. There were ice cream puddles in the gathers of his shirt and shorts. Great time had by all..

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