Thursday, August 30, 2012

Monday July 9th, 2012 - Artist Day Outside

It was a gorgeous day outside and not too humid, so we thought it would be a fun day to do something different.. The weather has been so good that there has been a lot of days playing in water, etc. Campbell loves painting and crafts.. we decided on painting outside on the back deck. Covered the plastic picnic table and the easel with paper and Miles got to wear one of my old shirts.. This was hilarious as you can see he looked like a coral coloured ghost.. :) but seriously cute.. :)  

The little artists at work.. 

Miles decided that the picnic table needed some colour too.

Miles hard at work creating a masterpiece.

Campbell hard at work creating his masterpiece.

Then they switched to using the dotters.. Which Miles thought was fun..

They shared the colours really well.. it was so cute.. them switching back and forth. ;)

Then they started painting together.. I must say it was a day of getting along. I love those days.

Campbell's masterpiece.

Campbell and Miles together..

Campbell's hand prints..

All the masterpieces drying out on the clothesline. Too cute and a fun day..

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