Saturday, September 20, 2014

2014 July - Back home for lots of fun..

This summer Miles truly is a big boy.. off to camp all by himself while Campbell went to a soccer camp that was for 5 year olds and up. He was great posing for pictures with his backpack on and had a great day.. but when he saw me, he broke out in tears saying that he missed me and missed Campbell.. too cute..
 Even though at the end of the day before was an emotional one. I did get the thumbs up for going on day two.. what a big boy.. He went to other camps the rest of the summer but the rest were with Campbell and he definitely liked going with his brother more than on his own.. Can't blame him, really.

Raspberry picking at a nearby you pick.. Lots of fun and the boys are actually really good at it..
 Campbell posing at the you pick.. we got a full basket of rasberries in no time, with these two picking.. they both love raspberries but didn't eat them there.. they wanted them for at home.

Campbell's favourite thing this summer.. having water fights.. lots of fun on a summer's day..
 Not sure how Daddy got the hose when Campbell had the little squirter.. too funny.. but definitely lots of fun..

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