Friday, September 26, 2014

Saturday September 20, 2014 - Evening Kite Flying

Ok.. So I am sure we all remember at some point trying to fly a kite by running and holding up a kite and trying really hard to get the thing to go up in the air and fly.. All in all when it didn't go up or stay up long, in the end it seemed like more work than fun.. Well.. we have found the trick.. don't go out unless the wind will literally almost knock you over (I know every knows it is supposed to be windy for a kite but honestly I have tried on other windy days but it didn't work.. the wind needs to be really really high)..
It was super warm Saturday but a storm was coming in and the wind was high.. but it was a warm wind which made it nice.. so we headed down to the fieldian grounds in Kars, only a few minutes drive for us.. And we took our massive dinosaur kite that we got the beginning of the summer at Costco..
Did we ever have a blast!! The kite flew with hardly any effort at all.. and the kids ran and took a turn flying the kite (Miles got a little sad on his turn as the string holder spun and hurt his hand.. He wasn't quite strong enough to be able to stop it from spinning, but he just played and enjoyed and didn't want another turn.) and J even flew the kite low to play with the kids.. it was so much fun.. I must say I think it brought the kid out of J and myself too.. Here are a few pics..
Campbell was a natural.. but enjoyed giving it to J and running around too. :)
 J rock star flying the kite.. ;)
 Our crazy huge Dinosaur kite.. :)
 The kids playing with the kite tails while J flew it low and then made it go up higher.. So much fun..

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