Friday, September 26, 2014

Saturday September 20, 2014 - Miles First Skating Lesson - Video

Miles was so good about going on the ice by himself and going off with his group.. I was so thrilled.. but this is also the first time for Miles to be on skates. Last year we went a few times but he had the skates with two blades strapped to him boots. So for him keeping his balance on the ice was much harder and unfortunately the little guy got upset with all the falling down. I had to go over to the other side of the rink where his group was and have a chat with him. He wanted to stay with me and not go back out on the ice. I just kept telling him that falling was a big part of learning and that everyone falls cause ice is slippery, that there wasn't much time left to his lesson and he could do it. Just to take babysteps and try his best. He just kept saying over and over again "No Thank You". Very cute.. but he did agree to go back out there and I was there to do a lot of cheering him on. I was so unbelievably proud of him for going back out there.. here is the video of him going away from me and back to his group. He did so great.. Then he proceeded to turn around and work his way back to me and fell and started to cry.. but hey he went back out and he says he is up for going back again this week. YEAH MILES!!

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